Saturday, July 7, 2012

Choosing a color palette

We're still a bit away from done with the house — about a month further away than we thought (more on that later). However, we're close enough to done that it's time to start thinking about a color palette.

Based on our preferences and some art we own, our color designer chose some candidate colors for us. Now we need to narrow it down to three or four colors to use for our palette. We have some ideas, but it seemed fun to gather some other opinions. Here are the colors. Let us know in the comments what combinations of three or four colors are your favorites.

Details: the walls are going to mostly be white. The color palette will be used for a few accent walls and for accents in furnishings and accessories.

slate teal
marble canyon
saratoga springs


  1. Oh heck, it depends on the lighting and the mix. Looking at the bare palette, I am not a fan of dreamy or azore (or any pastel), but my home office is actually right in that mix and it looks fine.

    (On one monitor, my office is darker than it looks in real life and on the other, it's lighter than real life. So don't trust a monitor!)

    Azores, marble canyon, and dreamy should all be used with care.

    Maybe you should stop up sometime, the kitten farm palette (which we didn't pick, but is fine) is similar to yours. I'll ping you at the office.

    Our library is darker more saturated version of your bordeaux. You *may* remember it, Kage interviewed you in there. I suspect you remember Kage better.

    And busy kitchens and bathrooms should be a simple white or other easily matched color, they require too much maintenance to be matching palettes every time you have to open a wall or move a hook. That underused lavatory by the media room? You can be flexible there.

  2. Like:
    #1. Marble Canyon - I like it because it's conservative and not too outlandish or outrageous. It is still distinctively light, beige and almost purplish, which is pleasing to the eyes. IMHO.

    #2. Azores - Same reasoning from #1. But it has a darker blue or greenish flavor to it. I like this too.

    #1. Bordeaux - Although I have nothing against the color purple, it's too strong of a color for a house. Again, IMHO.

    #2. Slate Teal - Same reasoning from #1.

  3. The final effect that the use of these colors has on the house is fantastic. (imho) Kudos to you both for your bravery in regard to using rich saturated colors and being bold.
    a pleasure working with you both on the home.
